
Are You Aiming For Career Advancement?

Do you want to do better in your job and excel in your career? Are you looking for ways to draw attention to your hard work and earn opportunities for further growth? Maybe you feel happy and stable in your job, and you wonder how you can capitalize on your strengths and take youmeetingr projects to the next level. Or, maybe you are aware of an issue blocking your path and wish to gain practical skills for managing conflict in the workplace, balancing multiple responsibilities, advocating for yourself and your ideas, communicating effectively and more. You may wish to develop and hone your leadership skills so you can better manage employees and foster a productive, harmonious workplace. Whether you are an employee, a supervisor or a CEO, do you wonder how to earn recognition, resolve interpersonal issues and complete work that makes you and your company proud?

Are You Searching For a Fulfilling Career Path?

When it comes to your career, do you feel stuck and unfulfilled? Do you feel overwhelmed by searching for employment, dealing with a heavy workload or trudging through tasks that feel increasingly meaningless? Maybe unsuccessful interviews, supervisors’ criticisms or clients’ complaints have led you to question your skills and value as an employee or manager. You might be trying to find a career that fits your passions, lifestyle and experience, but feel frustrated by a lack of options and afraid of sacrificing the stability you enjoy in your current field. It may be that you were happy in your job, but an unexpected layoff or an increase in responsibilities has left you wondering if something else might better fit your talents and values. Or, perhaps you love almost everything about what you do, but social anxiety, poor work-life balance or other personal concerns are creating roadblocks to career satisfaction and advancement. Regardless of the job and career issues troubling you, are you finding it difficult to focus or believe in yourself? Do you wish you could feel more motivated to do your best work and increase your resilience and capacity to endure stressful situations?

Are You Seeking More Out of Your Career?

In our society, it seems that most people spend at least a third of their time at their jobs. And, even when they’re not on the clock, many people still find themselves obsessing about the work they just completed or the work ahead, especially when they have a lot on their plates. The pressure to succeed and continuously excel can lead to high levels of work stress for anyone, even those who have been content in a job for a long time. And, many are eager to excel and advance in their careers without quite knowing how. Even people who feel confident in their skills and happy in what they do may run up against distracting challenges, such as presentation anxiety or interpersonal conflict. Especially in competitive fields, many employees and managers feel overlooked and wonder how to earn greater respect, recognition and opportunities for growth.

In addition, many people face pressure to identify and pursue the “right” career from an early age. It’s common for parents to encourage their children to seek stable, lucrative careers, leading many adults into high-paying and/or reliable jobs that don’t align with their inner values. Others start on exciting career tracks only to find themselves disillusioned by the realities of day-to-day drudgery, disorganization or lack of resources necessary to get their jobs done. Some struggle to reconcile the realities of paying the bills with the financial risks of pursuing their passions, especially in creative fields. It can also be discouraging to realize that your particular skills and strengths may not be suited for the job you thought you wanted. In all of these situations, the thought of changing careers can be overwhelming.

Whether you want to advance in your current career or embark on a career that better fits your values, you don’t have to do it alone. A skilled therapist and career coach can serve as your advocate and guide, helping you identify and utilize strengths, pinpoint practical solutions and feel equipped to pursue a fulfilling career.

Career Counseling Can Help You Overcome The Challenges in Your Way

Whether you need help tackling a particular problem in the workplace, advancing in your career in general or discovering a career path that honors your inner values, Peter Howell can help. As a licensed psychotherapist and an experienced career coach, Peter will work with you to explore the issues, relationships or circumstances that are affecting your work performance and job satisfaction. In a safe, confidential space, you can explore your thoughts, process your emotions and practice effective problem-solving strategies. With individualized career guidance and support, you can identify your strengths, look for opportunities to apply those strengths and achieve greater satisfaction and upward mobility in your career.

From your very first session, Peter will collaborate with you to assess what you need and how you can achieve it. He will adapt his approach depending on your needs, personality and objectives. If you are searching for career advancement strategies, Peter can focus on outlining and executing a practical action plan tailored to your short-term and long-term career goals. Depending on your unique situation, areas of focus may include work-life balance, networking, communication skills and conflict resolution. You can learn new ways to set healthy boundaries, advocate for your ideas, increase your perceived value as an employee or manager and be recognized as a flexible, highly productive team player and leader. By developing these skills, you can also inspire others to be more effective as leaders, teams, networks and managers.

If you are feeling lost, nervous or down on yourself, Peter can help you work through the wide variety of interlocking concerns that may be eroding your self-confidence. As you work through challenges such as low self-esteem, anxiety and interpersonal issues, he can also help you identify what you need out of your career and assess how to balance pursuing your passions with supporting your lifestyle. For example, if creativity is important to you, but you also have a family to support, you can look for opportunities to be more creative in your current job. As you link your inner purpose to your career, you can better recognize and look for more fulfilling job opportunities, and discover how to create a deeper sense of fulfillment in your current position.

After working as a marketing executive on Madison Avenue, Peter knows, both personally and professionally, the challenges that come with excelling in a high-pressure job, changing jobs or changing careers. As an experienced therapist, Peter has helped his clients experience heightened self-confidence, increased energy and a renewed drive to create meaning in their work. As he guides you toward higher performance and through necessary transitions, it is possible for you to feel a sense of direction and empowerment in your career. With professional support, you can feel accomplished, innovative, successful and happy.

You still may have questions or concerns about career coaching…

Peter doesn’t have experience in my specific field. How can he help?

Although no field, organization or position is exactly the same, there are many universal dynamics underlying career concerns. For example, learning how to deal with stress at work can benefit anyone in any occupation. Similarly, many occupations require adept communication and conflict resolution skills, at least occasionally. Regardless of your particular occupation and field, Peter can help you identify the issues that may be holding you back and offer effective, appropriate problem-solving strategies and productive skill development recommendations.

Career counseling will eat up too much time.

The time you dedicate to counseling can help you feel more energetic and productive and make better use of your time overall, whether you’re searching for a job, organizing your priorities or balancing a wide range of conflicting demands. And, the time you spend working with a career coach is entirely directed by you, your preferences and your short-term and/or long-term goals. Whether you wish to resolve one specific problem in just a few sessions, or you hope to address a long-standing issue that’s causing you frustration, Peter can accommodate your needs.

Is it really possible to be happy at work?

Your work doesn’t have to define you, and it’s healthy to seek happiness in other areas of your life. But, even if you don’t feel completely happy at work, it is possible to feel more satisfied and motivated by what you’re doing. Your job likely takes up a lot of your time, and if you’re struggling, it’s important to gain the tools you need to manage stress, nurture your strengths and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Furthermore, it is possible to find a career that fulfills you and brings you joy. If you wish to make a change, counseling can help explore what your version of happiness and fulfillment looks like.

Solutions and Support Are Within Reach

Call Peter at 734-666-3887 or email him at to schedule a free, 10-minute phone consultation. He welcomes any questions you may have about career counseling and his practice in Detroit, MI.

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